
district line - 7 Items Tagged Within News

District line staff to take action over safety at work
TUBE UNION RMT has confirmed that members will be taking industrial action from tomorrow after the situation over violent assaults on workers and a culture of violence in the workplace deteriorated with the most recent serious incidents being the shocking...
Region: South East and Anglia
Tagged with: london underground, lul, tube, district line, tfl, safety at work, violence
RMT in urgent meeting over District Line violence
TUBE UNION RMT has arranged an urgent meeting with company safety chiefs and the British Transport Police today after the situation over violent assaults on workers deteriorated with the most recent serious incident the shocking attack on LU staff at...
Region: South East and Anglia
Tagged with: london underground, tube, district line, violence at work, tfl
Tube workers to take industrial action over violence at work
RMT members on the eastern end of the District Line voted by nearly 95 per cent to take action short of strike action in protest after a female member of staff was attacked in her office by a violent passenger and...
Region: South East and Anglia
Tagged with: london underground, district line, violence at work, tube
RMT slam absentee mayor as London descends into travel chaos
Transport union RMT slammed London’s “absentee mayor” Boris Johnson as rush hour services were gripped by a fresh round of chaos last night and this morning due to a spate of infrastructure failures and breakdowns. The union pushed again for...
Region: South East and Anglia
Tagged with: boris johnson, london underground, metropolitan line, district line hammersmith and city line, thameslink, london overground
Chaos on District Line
The District line has lost more than a third of its trains this morning due to the union work to rule in the depots which has been ongoing as part of the Night Tube dispute. Tube bosses have attempted to...
Region: South East and Anglia
Tagged with: tube strike, night tube, every job matters, london underground, lul, district line
RMT slams plans to run old tube trains on Welsh railways
The news exposes as complete fiction public statements from Government ministers dating back to earlier this year that there were no plans to use the aging, decommissioned underground trains on the main railway. The D78 London Underground D-Stock trains, pulled...
Region: South Wales and West; South West
Tagged with: district line, d78, dft, doo
RMT on District Line collision
However the incident once again shines the spotlight on the cuts to track inspections and maintenance at London Underground and also draws attention to the dangerous nonsense of driverless trains, advocated by Boris Johnson, when there is such an obvious...
Region: South East and Anglia
Tagged with: tube crash, district line, london underground, lu, boris johnson