freightliner - 19 Items Tagged Within News
RMT calls on Freightliner to halt redundancies
In the midst of the Covid 19 coronavirus crisis, rail union RMT was served with a redundancy notice on March 12th that removes 15 key worker jobs at Freightliners's Coatbridge Terminal followed shortly after by a further redundancy notice at their Leeds...
Region: National
Tagged with: freightliner, railfreight, network rail, redundancies
RMT calls for action from Freightliner
RAIL UNION RMT is calling on Freightliner Ltd and the Scottish Government to take immediate action to secure the future of one of Scotland’s key rail freight terminals at Coatbridge, North Lanarkshire. Freightliner Ltd is considering the future of the...
Region: RMT Scotland
Tagged with: Freightliner, snp, Scottish government, Coatbridge,
RMT on Freightliner sale
RMT General Secretary Mick Cash said:
“RMT is concerned that an important freight provider is being traded between foreign owners whose priority will not be the UK economy, UK jobs and providing a rail freight infrastructure that can meet...
Region: National
Tagged with: freightliner, rail freight,
RMT claims victory in Freightliner pension dispute
Rail union RMT is claiming victory in the Freightliner pension dispute following discussions and confirmation in writing that the company are withdrawing their proposals to amend the pension scheme.
As a result strike action by Freightliner members planned for today...
Region: National
Tagged with: freightliner, pension dispute
Freightliner staff to strike on 15th March over pensions
Rail union RMT has confirmed members working for Freightliner Ltd and Freightliner Heavy Haul Ltd will be taking strike action on Friday 15 th March.
Members have given an overwhelming mandate to support strike action in defence of their pension...
Region: National
Tagged with: Freightliner, strike, pensions
RMT Picket line at Freightliner Coatbridge this morning
Region: RMT Scotland
Tagged with: freightliner, coatbridge, industrial action, strike, bullying, harassment
Freightliner workers to strike over bullying and harassment
RMT’s National Executive Committee has considered the matter and believes that industrial action is necessary to force management to resolve the issues as a matter of urgency. Therefore, the Executive Committee has taken the decision to call on all...
Region: RMT Scotland
Tagged with: freightliner, strike action, coatbridge
Our Ref: BR3/0001/FHH 21st September 2016 Dear Colleague RATES OF PAY & CONDITIONS OF SERVICE 2015 – FREIGHTLINER HEAVY HAUL STRIKE SUSPENDED - WORK AS NORMAL After careful consideration, the union’s National Executive Committee has decided to suspend the industrial action to allow...
Region: National
Tagged with: freightliner heavy haul, strike
RMT strike dates at Freightliner Heavy Haul
TRANSPORT UNION RMT confirmed today that 24-hour strike action will take place on September 22/23 at Freightliner Heavy Haul in a dispute over pay. Over 75 per cent of members voting backed the action in a dispute at one of the largest...
Region: National
Tagged with: freightliner heavy haul, strike
RMT strike ballot at Freightliner Heavy Haul
RAIL UNION RMT confirmed today that a ballot for both strike action and action short of a strike will close on the 13th September at Freightliner Heavy Haul in a dispute over pay. Ballot papers were issued last week, with...
Region: National
Tagged with: freightliner heavy haul, strike ballot, freightliner
Freightliner Heavy Haul confirms 145 job losses
RAIL union RMT slammed “government inaction on rail freight and a total lack of joined up thinking on energy policy” as Freightliner Heavy Haul confirmed today that 145 ground staff, shunters and drivers jobs are to go – with the threat...
Region: National
Tagged with: Freightliner, job losses
Our Ref: BR3/0001/F 20th October2015 Dear Colleague, INDUSTRIAL ACTION – FREIGHTLINER RAILPORT ALL ACTION IS SUSPENDED – ALL MEMBERS TO WORK AS NORMAL Further talks have taken place with the Company yesterday and I am pleased to announce that the...
Region: National
Tagged with: freightliner railport
Our Ref: BR3/0001/F 20th October2015 Dear Colleague, INDUSTRIAL ACTION – FREIGHTLINER LTD ALL ACTION IS SUSPENDED – ALL MEMBERS TO WORK AS NORMAL Further talks have taken place with the Company yesterday and I am pleased to announce that the...
Region: National
Tagged with: freightliner
Freightliner Strike Action Halted as Union Reaches Agreement
As a result all strike action scheduled for late this week is cancelled and the dispute is resolved. RMT General Secretary Mick Cash said: “RMT welcomes the fact that following further negotiations with Freightliner the union has been able to...
Region: National
Tagged with: freightliner, freightliner railport
RMT members at Freightliner to take strike action
The 48-hour action will affect Freightliner Ltd and Freightliner Railport and will involve nearly 500 members after the company refused to give the same pay increase that it has given to other staff. RMT general secretary Mick Cash said that It...
Region: National
Tagged with: freightliner, freightliner railport
Rates of Pay & Conditions of Service 2015
Our Ref: BR3/0001/F 15th October 2015 Dear Colleague, Rates of Pay & Conditions of Service 2015 – Freightliner Railport STRIKE ACTION CALLED Referring to my previous correspondence where I advised you of the outstanding result of the ballot, I write to advise...
Region: National
Tagged with: freightliner, freightliner railport
Rates of Pay & Conditions of Service 2015 – Freightliner Ltd
Our Ref: BR3/0001/F 15th October 2015 Dear Colleague, Rates of Pay & Conditions of Service 2015 – Freightliner Ltd STRIKE ACTION CALLED Referring to my previous correspondence where I advised you of the outstanding result of the ballot, I write to advise...
Region: National
Tagged with: freightliner
Our Ref: BR3/0001/F 1st July 2015 Dear Colleague RATES OF PAY & CONDITIONS OF SERVICE 2015 – FREIGHTLINER LTD As you may be aware, your Senior Union Representatives have been in discussions with Freightliner management with regards to the company’s recent 3 year...
Region: National
Tagged with: freightliner
Rates of Pay & Conditions of Service 2014 – Freightliner
Our Ref: BR3/0001/FL 24th September 2014 Dear colleague, Rates of Pay & Conditions of Service 2014 – Freightliner I refer to my previous correspondence dated 18th September 2014 where I advised you that the dispute over your pay is still live and that...
Region: National