privatisation - 124 Items Tagged Within News
The 1993 Railways Act – ‘30 years of waste’
RAIL UNION RMT marked the 30 th anniversary today (Sunday November 5, 2023) of the 1993 Railways Act that privatised Britain’s railway with a new report which revealed that the three-decade debacle had seen at least £31 billion leak out of the system while...
Region: National
Tagged with: RMT, Mick Lynch, Rail Privatisation,
Rail companies raking in profit and stripping the railways of money
Train company bosses take little risk with their capital but have benefited from profits before tax, of 126% of the capital invested by rail operators.
65% of profits are locked away in shareholder dividends instead of being redistributed into improving the...
Region: National
Tagged with: RMT, Mick Lynch, Train Operating Companies, Rail Privatisation
RMT on award of Chiltern Railways contract to Arriva
"As rail workers face pay cuts and passengers face fare rises its business as usual for the privatised rail industry who are being handed out multi - year rail contracts with guaranteed profits. "This is also yet another rail contract dished...
Region: South East and Anglia
Tagged with: Chiltern Railways, Arriva, German State, Tory Government, Rail Privatisation, Rail Union, RMT
As Southeastern fails RMT calls for end to privatisation
Ahead of the weekend on which the Southeastern franchise passes into public ownership, following the latest catastrophic private sector failure, RMT has revealed the true cost of the government’s slavish devotion to subsidising private profit. In a new report titled...
Region: South East and Anglia
Tagged with: Southeastern, Go-Ahead, Govia, Rail Privatisation
Pandemic profiteering has to stop
RAIL UNION RMT has called on the government to stop FirstGroup paying out a planned £500 million to shareholders this year, a sum it increased recently in part as a consequence of its franchise termination agreement with the government for...
Region: National
Tagged with: Pandemic Profiteering, National Rail Contracts, Tory Government, Rail Privatisation
MPs and Peers backs ending the privatisation of cleaning
As lockdown restrictions ease, a cross-party coalition of more than 80 MPs and Peers has said that there is ‘a strong safety and efficiency case’ for ending the privatisation of cleaning on the National Rail network and London Underground bringing these...
Region: National
Tagged with: Cleaners are Essential, Rail, Tube, Cleaning, Outsourcing, Privatisation,
RMT on new Bus report
Commenting on the report, which found that the UK’s privatised bus system is ‘failing passengers’ and ‘undermining rights’, RMT General Secretary Mick Lynch said: “This report is completely right in its assessment that privatisation and deregulation has created a bus...
Region: National
Tagged with: Bus report, National Bus Strategy, Privatisation, Philip Alston
Public Accounts Committee report slams government rail policy
Britain’s specialist transport union RMT said today that the need for a government rethink on rail is now urgent after a powerful Parliamentary committee warned that the government has neither the necessary urgency nor appreciates the scale of the challenge...
Region: National
Tagged with: Public Accounts Committee, Rail Network, Great British Railways, Rail Privatisation
Britain's main rail union RMT responds to Williams Report
“This is a missed opportunity by the Government to make a clean break from the failures of the past that have left Britain's railways in the slow lane. “The Government talk about ending a generation of fragmentation but then leave...
Region: National
Tagged with: Williams Report, Rail Privatisation, Tory Government,
RMT warns of national fight against cuts at Network Rail
RAIL UNION RMT warned today of a national industrial fight across the railway network if the Williams Review - widely expected to be published this week - sets it's sights on the workforce while handing the private train companies gold-plated management contracts...
Region: National
Tagged with: Williams Review, Grant Shapps, Network Rail, Rail Privatisation,
RMT research reveals COVID corporate cash grab scandal
As the Government increases passenger rail fares by 2.6% today, new research by RMT reveals that the private train operating and rolling stock companies’ profits from last year stand to be equivalent to 15 pence of every pound passengers paid on fares...
Region: National
Tagged with: Covid-19, TOC's, Train Operating Companies, ROSCO's, Rolling Stock Companies, EMA, Emergency Measures Agreement, ERMA, Emergency Recovery Measures Agreement, DfT, Privatisation, Tory Government
RMT on Government's Williams Review
The government’s long delayed rail review, set to be highlighted by Keith Williams today, is all about saving rail privatisation rather than saving the railways RMT has warned. Media reports have indicated that Williams has submitted proposals to the Treasury...
Region: National
Tagged with: William Review, Rail Privatisation, Tory Government, Grant Shapps, Keith Williams
RMT responds to rail regulator’s report on financial impact of the pandemic
“These figures show that it is absolutely vital that the taxpayer and fare payer gets value for money from the railway. “Unfortunately, privatisation means that the profiteering from the private train and rolling stock alone is costing the industry at...
Region: National
Tagged with: Covid-19, Rail Regulator, Financial Impact, Rail Privatisation
RMT responds to Govt extension of emergency measures on GWR
Senior Assistant General Secretary Mick Lynch said;
"It's vital that the Government continue to finance our railways as the broken privatised system has shown it simply cannot withstand a crisis. With Ministers pushing their back to work drive we need...
Region: South Wales and West; South West
Tagged with: Great Western Railway, GWR, Emergency Measures, Tory Government, Privatisation,
RMT ramps up campaign to halt privatisation of Tube
TUBE UNION RMT today wrote to Secretary of State for Transport Grant Shapps demanding that the government come clean on plans to privatise London Underground as part of its takeover of Transport for London. Yesterday, the Secretary of State announced...
Region: South East and Anglia
Tagged with: London Underground, tube, TfL, Tory Government, Privatisation, driverless
RMT calls for an end to the charade of rail privatisation
RAIL UNION RMT today demanded that the government end the charade of privatisation and the grotesque waste of franchising after it was confirmed that the Office for National Statistics have reclassified the debts of the private train operators as part...
Region: National
Tagged with: Covid-19, Grant Shapps, Transport Secretary, Tory Government, Rail Privatisation
Ministers confirm £3.5 billion rail bail out
RAIL UNION RMT said that despite parliamentary answers confirming today that Train Operating Companies are to be bailed out by the Government to the tune of £3.5 Billion it is still totally unclear whether new contracts will be agreed by...
Region: National
Tagged with: Train Operating Companies, TOCS, Rail Privatisation, Tory Government,
RMT report warns of plans to resuscitate rail privatisation
RAIL UNION RMT has released a new report which reveals the government and Keith Williams expected announcement of their intention to overhaul the privatised railway – badged as the ‘end of franchising’ – is likely to lead to more profiteering...
Region: National
Tagged with: Rail, Privatisation, report
RMT accuses Trenitalia of trying to force bail out
RAIL UNION RMT today accused Italian state operator Trenitalia of trying to force the British people into a £20 million taxpayer bail out of their failing C2C franchise in the latest scandal to rock Britain's collapsing private rail industry.
Region: South East and Anglia
Tagged with: c2c, trenitalia, bail out, rail privatisation, tory government,
RMT demands public ownership of railway
RAIL UNION RMT today demanded full public ownership of Britain's failing private railways as the twice yearly rail passengers satisfaction survey today laid bare the state of the franchise chaos. The survey found that the lowest ratings for overall satisfaction...
Region: National
Tagged with: rail franchise, tory government, rail privatisation
RMT warn of dangers of unstaffed stations
With the publication of the Government’s rail review imminent, research by the specialist transport Union RMT reveals that only 10% of rail stations are fully staffed, 45% are only staffed some of the time and a massive 45% of stations are totally unstaffed....
Region: National
Tagged with: unstaffed stations, williams review, rail privatisation, orr,
RMT reveals full extent of shareholders’ bonanza
As fares rise on our railways yet again today, rail union RMT has revealed that private companies have siphoned off £4.4 billion in dividends to shareholders in the last ten years.
The union analysed the company accounts of every train...
Region: National
Tagged with: fare rises, tory government, rail privatisation,
RMT slams Tory Government
General secretary Mick Cash said
"The UK rail network is being used as a cash-cow by speculative foreign outfits who see us as a money making opportunity with little or no risk involved. Far from taking back control, under Boris...
Region: National
Tagged with: rail privatisation, tory government, press association
RMT on Queen's Speech
General Secretary Mick Cash said;
"As we suspected all we are getting is the current failed rail franchising model re-packaged and re-branded. It's the same old "commercial model" and the Tory principle that profits and privatisation come first remains locked...
Region: National
Tagged with: queens speech, franchising, rail privatisation, tory government
RMT on trailed Govt Queens Speech announcement
General Secretary Mick Cash said;
"From what we've seen trailed by the Government on rail franchising this is nothing new and the old Tory principle that profits and privatisation come first remains locked in. Nobody will be fooled by...
Region: National
Tagged with: tory government, rail privatisation, queens speech,
RMT's Mick Cash response to Grant Shapps
RMT General Secretary Mick Cash responding to Grant Shapps’ admission on Sky this morning that train companies put profits over people, said;
"When even hard line Tories start openly admitting that private train companies are putting profits top of their...
Region: National
Tagged with: grant shapps, tory government, rail privatisation
RMT reveals top ten least trusted train companies
On the day that rail union RMT will be moving a motion at the TUC in Brighton exposing the catastrophic impact on rail worker safety of decades of fragmentation, casualisation and private exploitation the union has revealed new data throwing...
Region: National
Tagged with: tuc, transport focus, rail privatisation, tory government
RMT to hold protests on day rail fares increases announced
Rail union RMT will holding a series of protests on Wednesday 14th August, the day that the increase in rail fares on Britain’s railways is announced.
In London a demonstration will take place at Kings Cross Station; other locations include...
Region: National
Tagged with: rail fares, rail privatisation, tory government
RMT warns of private sector stitch-up from Rail Review
RAIL UNION RMT warned today that the long-awaited Government Rail Review – set up on the watch of serial failure Chris Grayling – is set to be a wholesale sell-out to the private operators, tightening their grip on the rail...
Region: National
Tagged with: rail review, williams review, keith williams, private sector, privatisation, tory government, dft
RMT repeats call for rail nationalisation
Rail union RMT has repeated its call for rail nationalisation as a new poll today reveals a complete breakdown in trust between passengers and privatised rail companies.
A poll of passengers who regularly use privatised rail services found that 73% think...
Region: National
Tagged with: rail privatisation, passenger satisfaction, value for money
RMT to take fight over tube cuts to City Hall
TUBE UNION RMT will be taking the fight over tube cuts and privatisation direct to the front door of London Mayor Sadiq Khan at City Hall in a protest next week.
The protest - at 10am outside City Hall on Thursday...
Region: National
Tagged with: tube cuts, privatisation
RMT on "We Own It" poll
Rail union RMT comments on new “We Own It” poll showing clear majority for public ownership of rail with less than one in five saying that privatisation has been a success.
General Secretary Mick Cash said:
“This poll is just...
Region: National
Tagged with: we own it, public ownership, tory government, privatisation
Buses must be taken into public ownership
The entire bus network must be taken into public ownership, transport union RMT has said in response to the Transport Select Committees report highlighting the continuing decline in the bus industry.
In a survey of RMT bus members 85% believed that...
Region: National
Tagged with: bus companies, privatisation, transport select committee, buses
RMT warns of total chaos over rail franchises
Rail union RMT today warned of total chaos on the railways as it emerged that the private rail contractors club – the Rail Delivery Group - is calling for a new era of wholesale deregulation on the tracks that would effectively...
Region: National
Tagged with: rail delivery group, rail franchise, rail privatisation, tory government, chris grayling
RMT warns of total chaos as Virgin demands a free for all
Rail union RMT today warned of total chaos on the railways as Virgin Trains called for a new era of wholesale deregulation that would effectively allow private operators to bid route by route, slot by slot for the most lucrative...
Region: National
Tagged with: virgin trains, rail privatisation, rail review, tory government
Mick Cash to warn of co-ordinated action over pension threat
At a meeting this lunchtime at the Scottish TUC in Dundee RMT General Secretary Mick Cash will warn in stark terms of national, coordinated industrial action if there is any threat to staff pensions as a result of the collapse...
Region: National
Tagged with: pensions, stagecoach, virgin, scotrail, mick cash, tory government, rail privatisation, stuc
RMT's Mick Cash warns of national industrial action
RMT General Secretary Mick Cash warned today that any attempt to attack the pension rights of staff employed by train operating companies will result in industrial action ballots and co-ordinated action to defend the benefits accrued by the workforce. The...
Region: National
Tagged with: pensions, stagecoach, virgin, mick cash, tory government, rail privatisation,
RMT on news Stagecoach is banned from bidding for franchises
RAIL UNION RMT has demanded that immediate steps be taken to bring franchises involving Stagecoach into public ownership as it emerged that the company have been barred from bidding in the current round of franchise awards. RMT has warned that...
Region: National
Tagged with: stagecoach, virgin, rail privatisation, tory government, chris grayling
RMT slams national rail review fix
RAIL UNION RMT has branded the Government’s national rail review “a fix from top to bottom” after it was reported today that the business chief leading it has ruled out the option of public ownership before it’s even got out...
Region: National
Tagged with: rail review, keith williams, rail privatisation, tory government
RMT call to transfer Interserve rail contracts in-house
RAIL UNION RMT today called for all transport contracts held by out-sourcing giant Interserve to be brought in house as the company faces a knife-edge vote of shareholders today that could see them forced into administration in a repeat of...
Region: National
Tagged with: interserve, network rail, carillion, privatisation
RMT on confirmation Interserve has collapsed
General Secretary Mick Cash said.
"The collapse of Interserve today was entirely predictable and is the direct result of the speculative and high-risk outsourcing model for public services. Nothing has been learnt by the Government from the failure of Carillion....
Region: National
Tagged with: interserve, network rail, carillion, privatisation
RMT renews nationalisation call as ORR fine GTR
Responding to the ORR fine of GTR and Ministers telling MPs that the Government is reviewing the company’s future RMT General Secretary Mick Cash said; “This fine is yet another meaningless slap on the risk for a company that has...
Region: South East and Anglia
Tagged with: southern, gtr, govia, orr, franchise, rail privatisation
RMT warns that privatised buses are failing the nation
Bus union RMT warned that the privatised bus system was still failing Britain’s communities as figures from the latest bus Passenger Survey and the Department for Transport highlighted the problems of Britain’s costly buses. Figures from the survey published today...
Region: National
Tagged with: bus companies, privatisation, dft, department for transport, passenger survey, buses
RMT calls for immediate action on Interserve
RAIL UNION RMT today called for all transport contracts held by out-sourcing giant Interserve to be brought in house as the company faces a knife-edge vote of shareholders on Friday that could see them forced into administration in a repeat...
Region: National
Tagged with: interserve, network rail, carillion, privatisation
RMT on rail timetable plans for May
"There is a serious danger of the chaos of last May being repeated on Britain's railways if the train companies don't stop their corner-cutting. You cannot run a railway on a wing and a prayer without adequate provision for both...
Region: National
Tagged with: rail delivery group, rdg, chris grayling, dft, department for transport, rail privatisation, rail timetable
RMT warning over plans to streamline rail fares
Rail union RMT has warned today that any plans to streamline and simplify Britain's rail fare structure will be undermined by the fragmentation of over two decades of privatisation. The warning comes as the Rail Delivery Group releases a report...
Region: National
Tagged with: rail delivery group, rail fares, privatisation, dft, tory government
Bus companies earn billions amid savage route cuts
New research by the Labour Party has also revealed how bus fares are set to rise while private companies are making record profits. RMT general secretary Mick Cash backed Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn’s comments that private bus companies were running...
Region: National
Tagged with: bus companies, privatisation, transport commissioner, labour party, buses
RMT responds to rail regulator finance figures issued today
New Office of Road and Rail figures published today reveal that train operators paid themselves another £300 million in dividends last year, money that could have instead been used to fund the retention and expansion of staffing levels on trains...
Region: National
Tagged with: office of rail and road, orr, tory government, rail privatisation
RMT renews rail nationalisation call
As Scotrail passengers face another New Year’s Fare hike, new research by RMT has found that the decision by the Scottish Government to delay returning the Scotrail Franchise to public ownership by three years will cost £37million, the equivalent of...
Region: RMT Scotland
Tagged with: scotrail, rail fares, rail privatisation,
RMT research on rail fares
As passengers return to work with news of yet another fare hike new RMT research has found that rail fares have risen almost 50% faster than inflation since privatisation.
The report also showed that of open access operators and franchises total...
Region: National
Tagged with: rail fares, chris grayling, privatisation, tory government
RMT's Mick Cash responds to Chris Grayling
RMT General Secretary Mick Cash has responded to statements by Transport Secretary Chris Grayling on the rail fares increase this morning blasting the "toxic combination of gross mismanagement and profiteering on Britain's rip-off railways" and repeating the call for Grayling's...
Region: National
Tagged with: rail fares, rail privatisation, tory government, chris grayling
RMT warns of more fragmentation and profiteering
Rail union RMT warned today of even more fragmentation and profiteering on Britain's broken rail system as the Office of Road and Rail unveils plans to open the door to more "open-access" cherry-picking on lucrative routes by private companies looking...
Region: National
Tagged with: office of rail and road, orr, chris grayling, tory government, rail privatisation, timetables, arriva, arriva rail north, gtr
Bring Interserve rail contracts in-house
General Secretary Mick Cash said;
"Interserve hold a number of contracts in our industry, including major station facilities management work on Network Rail in the south, and both passengers and staff alike are left guessing this morning as the company...
Region: National
Tagged with: interserve, network rail, carillion, privatisation
RMT on Grayling "punishment" of Govia Thameslink
Grayling has also ruled out stripping GTR of the franchise and bringing it into public ownership despite a history of total and utter failure.
RMT General Secretary Mick Cash said;
"Chris Grayling's half-hearted slap on the wrists for GTR is...
Region: South East and Anglia
Tagged with: gtr, govia thameslink, chris grayling, failing grayling, tory government, rail privatisation
RMT calls for Chris Grayling to resign
Rail union RMT today called for the resignation of Transport Secretary Chris Grayling and for swift action to begin bringing the railways back into public ownership as MP’s on the Transport Select Committee laid into the timetable chaos across the...
Region: National
Tagged with: chris grayling, failinggrayling, tory government, rail privatisation, transport select committee,
RMT slams January fare increase
Rail union RMT slams January fare increase as another kick in the teeth for passengers on Britain's rip-off railways
General Secretary Mick Cash said:
"Whatever way Chris Grayling tries to dress this up this latest fare hike is another kick...
Region: National
Tagged with: rail fare, fare rise, dft, rail privatisation
Rail privatisation to blame for current disruption in Wales
Years of abject failure of the private sector to invest in new trains is the root cause of the ongoing rail chaos in Wales currently wrecking services, transport union RMT said today. The union added there had been huge underinvestment...
Region: National
Tagged with: arriva trains wales, transport for wales, rail privatisation, arriva
Bus companies putting profit before services
Bus companies are prioritising making bigger profits over providing decent services a new survey provided to MPs has found. The details of the survey contained in RMT evidence published by the Parliamentary Transport Select Committee Inquiry into the bus industry...
Region: National
Tagged with: bus companies, privatisation, transport select committee, buses
Public and passengers pay 8% on Scotrail bailout loans
Scotrail is owned is by Dutch State Rail, Nederlandse Spoorwegen (NS) and in an article in the Dutch Press reporting NS support for its subsidiaries, including Scotrail, the NS financial director Bert Groenenwegen says: “The additional payments consist of loans...
Region: RMT Scotland
Tagged with: scotrail, ns, snp, rail privatisation
RMT protest at Parliament today
Rail union RMT will be holding a protest at Parliament today (Monday 5th November) demanding the repeal of the Act ushering in the privatisation of Britain’s railways exactly 25 years after it passed through the Commons.
With November 5th marking the...
Region: National
Tagged with: rail privatisation, rmt, tory government, railways act
RMT protest at Parliament today
Rail union RMT is holding a protest at Parliament today (Monday 5th November) demanding the repeal of the Act ushering in the privatisation of Britain’s railways exactly 25 years after it passed through the Commons.
With November 5th marking the twenty...
Region: National
Tagged with: rail privatisation, tory government, 25 years, great rail rip off
RMT reveals shortfall in compensation paid to passengers
New figures revealed today by rail union RMT show a £500m gap in the taxpayer-funded compensation pot paid to private train companies’ passengers for failings in the rail infrastructure compared to what the companies have actually paid out to passengers....
Region: National
Tagged with: network rail, rail privatisation, compensation,
RMT on Grayling's Tory Conference speech
RAIL UNION RMT said today that the speech from Transport Secretary Chris Grayling to the Tory Party Conference today was “just another stream for verbal garbage from a politician who has made a speciality out of failure on an industrial...
Region: National
Tagged with: chris grayling, failinggrayling, tory government, rail privatisation, conservative conference
RMT slams ORR for whitewash rail report
General Secretary Mick Cash said;
"The ORR is funded by the private train companies and is politically controlled by the Government. He who pays the piper calls the tune and this report is just a whitewash that ignores the dire...
Region: National
Tagged with: rail review, rail privatisation, tory government, orr, office of rail and road
RMT on Government's "independent" rail review
In the wake of the much heralded Government rail "review" announcement today RMT is calling for an end to the £50 billion privatised rail rip off and says that twenty five years of privatisation doesn’t need another so-called ‘independent’ review,...
Region: National
Tagged with: rail review, rail privatisation, tory government
RMT calls for end to £50 billion privatised rail rip off
Ahead of tomorrow’s much heralded Government railway announcement RMT is calling for an end to the £50 billion privatised rail rip off and says that twenty five years of privatisation doesn’t need another so-called ‘independent’ review, it needs abolishing.
Region: National
Tagged with: rail review, rail privatisation, tory government
RMT warnings over planned Government rail review
Rail union RMT has warned that reports this morning that the Prime Minister and the Transport Secretary are to commission an "independent" review into rail franchising is just a blatant and desperate effort to kick the continuing chaos on Britain's...
Region: National
Tagged with: rail review, chris grayling, tory government, privatisation, franchise,
RMT on Virgin East Coast collapse
RMT General Secretary Mick Cash said;
"This Transport Select Committee report is yet another damming indictment of both the failure of rail privatisation and the serial incompetence of the Secretary of State Chris Grayling. The collapse of the Virgin/Stagecoach operation...
Region: National
Tagged with: vtec, virgin, east coast main line, chris grayling, failing grayling, dft, department for transport, tory government, rail privatisation
TUC backs RMT national fight over Grayling's rail pay cap
An emergency motion lining the TUC up behind the pay battle was passed at the Congress in Manchester today.
General Secretary Mick Cash said;
"We warmly welcome the show of support and solidarity from across the trade union movement in...
Region: National
Tagged with: chris grayling, failinggrayling, tory government, rail privatisation, tuc, pay cap
RMT welcomes TUC support
In a debate on transport policy in Manchester today the TUC has voted to throw it's weight behind rail union RMT's campaign to force the resignation Transport Secretary Chris Grayling as he presides over a Department in a permanent state...
Region: National
Tagged with: chris grayling, failinggrayling, tory government, rail privatisation, tuc
RMT warning over May/Grayling rail review
Rail union RMT has warned that reports this afternoon that the Prime Minister and the Transport Secretary are to commission an "independent" review into rail franchising - while ruling out public ownership - is just a blatant and desperate effort to kick...
Region: National
Tagged with: chris grayling, tory government, rail privatisation,
RMT on today's Government rail fare hike
Responding to the confirmation of the rail fare increases this morning, RMT General Secretary Mick Cash said:
“With passengers already furious at the shocking level of service on Britain’s rip-off privatised railways today’s news is just another kick in the...
Region: National
Tagged with: rail fares, rail privatisation, tory government
Fare increase announcement
On the eve of the rail fare rise announcement rail union RMT has revealed that despite timetable chaos and service and staff cuts rail fares are massively more as expensive compared to Europe and rising twice as fast as UK...
Region: National
Tagged with: rail fares, rail privatisation, tory government
RMT responds to Chris Grayling attack on rail workers pay
RMT General Secretary Mick Cash said;
"If Chris Grayling seriously thinks that front line rail workers are going to pay the price for his gross incompetence and the greed of the private train companies he's got another thing coming.
Region: National
Tagged with: chris grayling, tory government, rail privatisation, train operating companies
RMT slams Government for withholding key franchise data
RAIL UNION RMT today accused the Government of operating a great rail cover up as it emerged that key financial data on Britain’s rail franchises, data that was available in the past, is now being deliberately withheld by the DFT....
Region: National
Tagged with: rail franchise, rail franchising, privatisation, dft, department for transport, tory government
RMT demands full disclosure of all GTR contract documents
With yet another new timetable due to be brought in in six days time rail union RMT has demanded that the full contract documentation - including the current interim arrangements - relating to the failed GTR operation be released for public scrutiny...
Region: South East and Anglia
Tagged with: southern, gtr, govia, contract documentation, franchise, rail privatisation, guards, conductors
RMT demands a permanent end to privatisation
General Secretary Mick Cash said;
"The protest in Edinburgh this morning, coinciding with our AGM in the City, is sending out the clearest possible message to Chris Grayling that the fight for public ownership of our railways is stepping up...
Region: National
Tagged with: rail privatisation, ecml, east coast main line, cgris grayling, tory government
RMT demands a permanent end to privatisation
RMT demands a permanent end to privatisation as public sector takes over East Coast again today
General Secretary Mick Cash said;
"If you want to see the failures of Britain's privatised railway system writ large look no further than the...
Region: National
Tagged with: east coast main line, ecml, virgin, stagecoach, dor, directly operated railways, chris grayling, tory government, privatisation
RMT challenges Grayling to meet staff
RMT General Secretary Mick Cash said;
"The total chaos unleashed by Chris Grayling on our railways has left staff at the sharp end abandoned to their fate by his private train operators. I am challenging the transport secretary to come...
Region: National
Tagged with: office of rail and road, orr, chris grayling, tory government, rail privatisation, timetables, arriva, arriva rail north, gtr
RMT response to announcement on Welsh rail franchise
“RMT policy is for a national integrated railway under public ownership and the Welsh government has made it clear that this is their aspiration as well if they did not have to work under the pro privatisation legislative straight jacket...
Region: South Wales and West; South West
Tagged with: rail privatisation, wales, guards, tory government
East Coast RMT members reveal the failings of privatisation
RAIL UNION RMT has re-issued a report today which highlights the failings of the privatised East Coast mainline in the words of the staff who work for the service as rumours abound that Transport Secretary Chris Grayling is about to...
Region: National
Tagged with: East Coast, Franchise, Privatisation, Virgin, Stagecoach
RMT responds to Grayling's "digital railway" stunt
"It's nothing but a smokescreen for Chris Grayling to suddenly start parading around as a great rail moderniser when he's the man who deliberately pulled the plug on a raft of key electrification and upgrade plans. No one is going...
Region: National
Tagged with: chris grayling, tory government, digital railway, rail privatisation
Mick Cash addresses May Day rally in Trafalgar Square
RMT General Secretary Mick Cash addresses the TUC May Day rally in Trafalgar Square demanding public ownership of Britain's railways and support for guards fighting for rail safety.
"Comrades, we are on the march today to put public safety before...
Region: National
Tagged with: may day, rail privatisation, renationalisation, tory government, mick cash, general secretary,
RMT's Mick Cash to speak at May Day Rally
In a May Day message today RMT General Secretary Mick Cash says that the tide in favour of public ownership of our railways and our public services has now shifted irreversibly and that it is only a matter of time...
Region: National
Tagged with: may day, rail privatisation, renationalisation, tory government, mick casg, general secretary,
RMT calls for Grayling to resign
RMT General Secretary, Mick Cash said:
“When the cross party Public Accounts Committee says the franchising model is broken, and that this government is to blame for both the Southern and East Coast fiascos that have cost the economy and...
Region: National
Tagged with: chris grayling, tory government, rail privatisation, public accounts committee, southern rail, east coast mainline, gtr, virgin
Rail union RMT today renewed calls for public ownership of Britain's railways as the Sunday Times reports that five private operators are now teetering on the brink of collapse.
The Sunday Times reports that four companies, in addition to Virgin...
Region: National
Tagged with: public ownership, railway, privatisation, chris grayling, tory government
RMT pledges "total solidarity" with striking French workers
TRANSPORT UNION RMT today pledged “total solidarity” with striking rail workers in France in their fight to defend jobs, workers’ rights and the principle of a publicly-owned railway.
Members at the union’s train crew conference, meeting in Aberystwyth, have confirmed...
Region: National
Tagged with: cgt, france, rail workers, rail privatisation
RMT responds to RSSB 2018-19 Business Plan
RMT General Secretary, Mick Cash, said: “Once again the RSSB peddle the myth of their role as an independent safety organisation.
“The RSSB is financed by their members and associates from Network Rail, the train operating companies and the freight...
Region: National
Tagged with: rssb, rail safety and standards board, train operating companies, network rail, rail privatisation, orr
RMT demands Government respect for transport staff
General Secretary Mick Cash said;
"RMT members have been working round the clock across the weekend and this morning in every facet of the transport sector, from trains to tube to ferries to buses, to keep the country moving. It's...
Region: National
Tagged with: adverse weather, chris grayling, rail privatisation, rail delivery group, rdg, tory government
RMT slams Grayling "rank hypocrisy"
RMT General Secretary Mick Cash said:
“It stinks of rank hypocrisy for Chris Grayling to be thanking the private train companies for their actions during the adverse weather on our railways over the past week, the same companies who are...
Region: National
Tagged with: adverse weather, chris grayling, rail privatisation, rail delivery group, rdg, tory government
RMT on rail company profiteering during cold weather
Rail union RMT today demanded to know how much Britain's private rail operators have extracted from the taxpayer during the adverse weather over the past week as they continue to milk Britain's rigged rail franchising system at public expense.
Region: National
Tagged with: privatisation, private rail operators, network rail, adverse weather, tory government
RMT on tonight's conditions
"RMT members are out there working in appalling conditions on our railways tonight and they deserve nothing but total respect and support. Tonight's incidents have once again raised some serious issues about the capacity of Britain's railways to cope with...
Region: National
Tagged with: chris grayling, tory government, rail privatisation, weather
RMT on Government diesel train announcement
"RMT awaits the details of the Jo Johnson speech that's being widely spun up and trailed today but it is clear from what is being reported that this announcement is riddled with the most glaring contradictions.
"If you were...
Region: National
Tagged with: tory government, dft, rail privatisation, diesel trains
Rail union RMT responds to Jo Johnson speech
General Secretary Mick Cash said;
"If you were serious about cracking on with the phasing out of diesel trains you wouldn't be scrapping key electrification projects which will mean the commissioning of more diesel operated fleet. That scrapping of...
Region: National
Tagged with: chris grayling, jo johnson, tory government, rail privatisation
RMT demands answers on behalf of East Coast workforce
RAIL UNION RMT today accused Chris Grayling and the Tory Government of leaving thousands of rail workers “dangling by a string” as key operational questions about what happens next with the collapsing East Coast rail franchise remain unanswered.
RMT General...
Region: National
Tagged with: vtec, ecml, virgin east coast, virgin, stagecoach, chris Grayling, rail privatisation
RMT on Virgin franchise speculation
General Secretary Mick Cash said:
“Rumours are rife this afternoon that Chris Grayling is setting up a major “market sensitive” announcement on the West Coast Mainline for six pm and that that announcement may mean a further cash-laden extension...
Region: National
Tagged with: virgin west coast, chris grayling, rail franchise, tory government, rail privatisation
RMT on House of Commons Transport Committee
Rail union RMT says that the House of Commons Transport Committee evidence session later today on rail infrastructure must tackle underfunding of maintenance, renewals and upgrades as well as addressing the issue of outsourcing and casualisation in the wake of...
Region: National
Tagged with: transport committee, carillion, chris grayling, tory government, rail privatisation, rail infrastructure
RMT survey of Carillion members
RMT members employed by Carillion face uncertainty in the wake of the privateer’s collapse – due to government inaction – according to a recent survey carried out by the union. The union surveyed its Carillion membership electronically on Friday...
Region: National
Tagged with: carillion, network rail, rail privatisation, chris grayling,
RMT supporting Big Branson Bail-out protest this morning
"The two billion pound East Coast bail out is just another scandal embroiling this rotten Government and adds to the growing charge sheet of waste and incompetence.
"There is no way the taxpayer should be picking up the tab...
Region: National
Tagged with: we own it, ecml, east coast, virgin, stagecoach, toty government, rail privatisation
Scotrail fares to rise
As passengers return to work today in Scotland rail union RMT has revealed that Scotrail fares are to increase by more than three times the increase in Scottish salaries. Scotrail fares are to increase by 3.2% on average, with peak commuter...
Region: RMT Scotland
Tagged with: scotrail, fare rises, rail privatisation
Today's 3.4% fare increase will fund train company profit
As rail fares protests organised by RMT take place at forty stations around the country today a new study by the union has found that every penny of this year’s inflation busting fare increase is going straight into the ‘profit’...
Region: National
Tagged with: fare rises, rail privatisation, cut fares not staff, rail fares
Overwhelming support from passengers for RMT protests
Overwhelming support from passengers for RMT protests this morning over privatised rail fares rip off.
General Secretary Mick Cash said;
“While the British passenger is being bled dry, the same private companies who are coining it in are axing safety-critical...
Region: National
Tagged with: fare rises, rail fares, cut fares not staff, rail privatisation
Grayling has flown to Qatar on day of rail fare increase
General Secretary Mick Cash said; "Chris Grayling knew that the fares story would be top of the news agenda today but instead of being available to defend his Governments great rail rip-off he booked himself a winter escape to the...
Region: National
Tagged with: rail fares, fare increase, rail privatisation, chris grayling
25th anniversary of railway privatisation study
On the 25th anniversary of The Railway Act of 1993 – that led to the privatisation of the railways – and the day before rail season tickets are due to rise in price by 3.6% and fares on average by 3.4% a new...
Region: National
Tagged with: railway privatisation, fare rises, protest
RMT calls for forensic inquiry into rail franchising
RAIL UNION RMT today called for an immediate forensic inquiry into the sustainability of the government’s rail franchising programme as the former Transport Minister, Lord Adonis, warned that First group was losing “big money” on the Transpennine Express franchise and...
Region: National
Tagged with: rail franchising, privatisation, tory government, lord adonis
Stagecoach profits jump 8%
Transport group Stagecoach has reported an eight per cent surge in statutory first-half profits in the same week that rail union RMT begins balloting for industrial action for a fair deal on pay and conditions on the East Coast service...
Region: National
Tagged with: stagecoach, virgin trains, vtec, east coast, profits, privatisation,
Fare increases announced today
General Secretary Mick Cash said; "These fare increases are another kick in the teeth for British passengers who will still be left paying the highest fares in Europe to travel on rammed out, unreliable trains where private profit comes before...
Region: National
Tagged with: fare increases, privatisation, railways, rail fares
RMT challenges Government over "cuts today and jam tomorrow"
General Secretary Mick Cash said;
"Rather than Chris Grayling's bogus promises of jam tomorrow serious questions now need to be asked about the state of rail infrastructure in Britain in the here and now on his Governments watch. The...
Region: National
Tagged with: network rail, privatisation, railway, tory governmrent
RMT responds to latest government rail plans
“It’s more than a bit rich for Chris Grayling to talk about expanding rail capacity in the distant future when the reality is that today he is cutting back on rail electrification and staffing. This is jam tomorrow and cuts...
Region: National
Tagged with: chris grayling, dft, department of transport, network rail, privatisation, tory government
RMT pledges to fight break up of Network Rail
General Secretary Mick Cash said "The government's answer to the fragmented, privatised chaos on rail services is another dose of fragmentation and privatisation, this time targeting Network Rail and the tracks and infra structure the trains run on. "Once the...
Region: National
Tagged with: network rail, privatisation, chris grayling, tory government,
RMT responds to Chris Grayling on BBC this morning
RMT General Secretary Mick Cash said; "We have seen no details of this so-called rail plan but it appears that Chris Graylings answer to the disaster of rail privatisation is yet more privatisation with the creation of a series of...
Region: National
Tagged with: chris grayling, network rail, gtr, great western, privatisation
"RMT campaigned for a leave vote and there should be no suggestion that there is some back door route by which Britain can remain in the EU despite a democratic decision in a national vote. It should not be forgotten...
Region: National
Tagged with: tuc, rmt, eu, rail privatisation,
Crossrail fees dispute exposes chaos of rail privatisation
A report in today’s Financial Times has revealed that a legal dispute between Crossrail and the Heathrow owners, which includes Spanish outfit Ferrovial and Qatari and Chinese sovereign investment funds, over track access charges has now been referred to the...
Region: South East and Anglia
Tagged with: crossrail, elizabeth line, heathrow express, rail privatisation
RMT slams Britain's "great rail rip off"
Mick Cash, RMT General Secretary, said: “Today's announcement is another stage in the take-over of UK rail by foreign states while the Tories ideological hatred of the public sector prevents the British state ownership of our railway. Profits are set...
Region: South East and Anglia
Tagged with: c2c, trenitalia, rail privatisation,
RMT on "rail fares overhaul"
"This is an open admission by Britain's private train companies and the Government that they have been ripping off the travelling public for over two decades. "If we want a fair deal on fares then that means keeping ticket offices...
Region: National
Tagged with: rail fares, privatisation, fair fares
Southern strike action remains rock solid
General Secretary Mick Cash said; "Our guards members on Southern Rail remain rock solid and absolutely determined in their action in defence of rail safety this morning. "The union repeats it's demand for Chris Grayling and his rail minister to...
Region: South East and Anglia
Tagged with: southern, southern rail, gtr, govia, doo, driver only operation, guards, conductors, grayling, network rail, privatisation
RMT to lobby Chris Grayling
RAIL UNION RMT is to lobby a major speech on rail policy by Transport Secretary Chris Grayling in Central London tomorrow evening – 6th December – bang smack in the middle of the latest phase of action by guards on...
Region: South East and Anglia
Tagged with: southern, southern rail, gtr, govia, transport secretary, chris grayling, network rail, privatisation, policy exchange
RMT to fight Grayling's plans to privatise Network Rail
Responding to the press release issued today by the DfT – below - RMT General Secretary Mick Cash said: “This is the Tory Government dragging the railways back to the failed and lethal Railtrack model of the private sector running...
Region: National
Tagged with: network rail, chris grayling, privatisation
RMT calls for an end to "legalised larceny"
General Secretary Mick Cash said "Today marks two decades of privatisation and the legalised larceny on our railways which has bled billions of pounds away in profits while passengers are condemned to travel in rammed-out, unsafe, clapped-out trains. "Twenty years...
Region: National
Tagged with: rail privatisation
Privatising Network Rail could put passenger safety at risk
Privatising Network Rail could be bad for passenger safety and lead to higher fares, according to a new report published today (Thursday).
The report – Staying On The Right Track by Dr John Stittle (Senior Lecturer in Accounting at...
Region: National
Tagged with: Privatisation, Network Rail, Safety
RMT hits back at renewed Network Rail privatisation threat
"RMT warned before the election that the Tory Party were hell-bent on selling off Network Rail and dragging us back to the lethal days of the privatised Railtrack and the disasters at Hatfield and Potters Bar.
"Any threat to bust...
Region: National
Tagged with: Network Rail, Privatisation
RMT warns of "creeping privatisation"
RAIL UNION RMT warned today that the Government has fired the starting gun on the creeping re-privatisation of Network Rail as it was confirmed that six key sections of the organisations business are to be tendered out.
The “big...
Region: National
Tagged with: Network Rail, Sell off, Privatisation
RMT responds to Passenger Focus report
“It is telling that satisfaction on the commuter routes into London, where there is a drive on to axe guards and station staff in the name of profit, is in free-fall and that should be enough to force these companies,...
Region: National
Tagged with: passenger focus, privatisation, tsgn, customer satisfaction report
RMT Slams Re-Privatisation of the East Coast Mainline
Mick Cash, RMT General Secretary, said:
"It is a national disgrace and an act of utter betrayal that the government has confirmed that it is bulldozing ahead with the re-privatisation of the East Coast Main Line despite all the...
Region: National