
tpe - 52 Items Tagged Within News

Cleaners on TPE suspend strike after new offer
Bidvest Noonan which employs cleaners to work on TPE services has offered more money backdated in the first year and from November have agreed to implement a "living wage" of £12 an hour.   The improved offer also contains staff...
Region: National
Tagged with: RMT, Mick Lynch, TransPennine Express, TPE, Bidvest Noonan, Rail, Cleaners
Rail Gourmet workers take strike action on TPE
RMT members working for Rail Gourmet on TransPennine Express services get lower pay and poorer terms and conditions than colleagues directly employed by the train operator. Rail Gourmet made £1.4 million in profit last year but have refused to meet...
Region: National
Tagged with: Rail Gourmet, TPE, Strike
RMT welcomes removal of First from TPE rail contract
RMT general secretary Mick Lynch said that it was absolutely right not to renew or extend Transpennine Express's contract which was something the union has long campaigned for.  “First should now also lose its failed Avanti West Coast contract as...
Region: National
Tagged with: RMT, Mick Lynch, Transpennine Express, TPE, First Group,
RMT responds to ORR data showing 1 in 5 TPE trains cancelled
Passengers endured another period of chaos between March and April, with TPE planning 600 fewer (10%) trains, cancelling or part-cancelling more than 500 and planned cancellation of almost 600 more. RMT general secretary Mick Lynch said: “Passengers can’t afford to wait while Mark Harper...
Region: National
Tagged with: RMT, Mick Lynch, TPE, Transpennine Express, First Group,
RMT blames broken privatised rail model for train cancellations
The union put the blame for the recent spate of rail cancellations on relying on staff volunteering for overtime because they have not recruited enough railway workers. TransPennine Express (TPE) cancelled over 150 trains in 3 days and is currently in a...
Region: National
Tagged with: RMT, Mick Lynch, TPE, TransPennine Express, CrossCountry, Train Cancellations,
48 hour TransPennine Express strike action goes ahead
The company continues to refuse TPE conductors' request to increase pay for staff coming in on their days off and Sundays.   However, this week it emerged, that TPE bosses have offered drivers an increase of 15% for working on their...
Region: National
Tagged with: Transpennine Express, TPE, Conductors, Strike,
24 hour strike on TransPennine Express
Conductors will take 24 hours of strike action in row over pay and Sunday working. RMT said the company had refused TPE conductors' request to increase pay for staff coming in on their days off and Sundays. The union says there...
Region: National
Tagged with: TransPennine Express, TPE, Conductors, Strike
RMT warns of more disputes on Transpennine Express
Ahead of further strike action this weekend by conductors on Transpennine Express services, RMT warned today that the interests of passengers are being sacrificed by a government that is hard-wiring profiteering and attacks on staff into its revamped privatisation model...
Region: National
Tagged with: TransPennine Express, TPE, First Group, Conductors, Industrial Action
RMT on weekend of action
TRANSPORT UNION RMT said today that a wave of action across rail and tube services this weekend shows that members are prepared to make a stand for pay and workplace justice in the teeth of attacks stemming from the cost...
Region: National
Tagged with: Churchill, Atalian Servest, Night Tube, Tube, London Underground, LUL, Avanti West Coast, strike, Pay Justice, Justice for Cleaners, TransPeninne Express, TPE, Conductors, Cleaners
RMT members standing firm again on TPE
RAIL UNION RMT said today that conductor members fighting for pay justice on TransPennine Express are standing firm and united again this morning in the latest of a series of strikes.    This week,   ahe ad of today's fourth...
Region: National
Tagged with: TransPennine Express, TPE, Conductors, First Group, Pay Justice
Rail and Tube strikes to go ahead this weekend
RAIL AND TUBE UNION RMT said today that strike action will go ahead this weekend as planned in disputes on both rail and tube involving members on TPE and London Underground drivers. On TransPennine Express conductor members will be out...
Region: National
Tagged with: TransPennine Express, TPE, Conductors, Tube, Night Tube, London Underground, LUL, RMT
Trans Pennine conductors absolutely solid
RAIL UNION RMT said today that support from conductor members for a second phase of strike action in a fight for pay justice is absolutely rock solid at all locations along the Trans Pennine Express routes today. General Secretary Mick...
Region: North West
Tagged with: TransPennine Express, TPE, Conductors, Pay Justice, Strike
RMT members standing firm on TPE
RAIL UNION RMT has reported that conductor members fighting for pay justice on Trans Pennine Express are standing firm and united this morning in the first of a series of strikes. General Secretary Mick Lynch said: "Reports from the ground...
Region: National
Tagged with: TransPennine Express, TPE, Conductors, Strike, Pay Justice,
TransPennine Express Conductors to begin strike action this Sunday
RAIL UNION RMT confirmed today that Conductors employed by TransPennine Express will be taking the first in a series of weekly strike actions this Sunday 13th February over pay discrimination. After working right through the Covid pandemic and having a...
Region: North West
Tagged with: TransPennine Express, TPE, Conductors, Strike, Pay Justice,
RMT responds to latest efforts by Transport for the North
After Transport for the North announced today that it has set TPE a "public target" for its service recovery, Mick Cash RMT General Secetary said: "You would have thought by now that after the Northern Rail fiasco transport bosses would...
Region: National
Tagged with: Transport for the North, TPE, Northern
Another train assault underlines key role of guards
News of the January 6 assault – with striking similarities to an incident on Merseyrail a month before – emerged as RMT entered crunch talks with Merseyrail bosses today to head off the threatened removal of all guards on the franchise’s...
Region: National
Tagged with: transpennine express, guard, conductors, doo, driver only operation, tpe, merseyrail
RMT responds to news that new TPE fleet to be built in Spain
Mick Cash, RMT General Secretary, said "It is a sad indictment of our railways that, at a time when our steel-making and manufacturing industries are in crisis, these new trains are not being built here in Britain. "With the pressures...
Region: National
Tagged with: transpennine express, TPE, spain
Transpennine Express Drivers balloted for strike action
The union has become aware that there have been several instances of Driver Standards Managers (DSM’s) driving trains across the TPE network. The company have claimed that this practice is consistent with the conditions of service. However, the clause they...
Region: National
Tagged with: transpennine express, tpe, drivers
Abrogation of Competence Development Procedure, Train Driver
STRIKE HAS BEEN SUSPENDED     Our Ref: BR2/4/1 7th July 2015     Dear Colleagues   ABROGATION OF COMPETENCE DEVELOPMENT PROCEDURE, TRAIN DRIVERS - TRANSPENNINE EXPRESS   Further to my letter to you dated 2nd July 2015 in which I advised you...
Region: National
Tagged with: transpennine express, tpe, strike action
Dismissal, G. Watson, Conductor First Transpennine Express
Our Ref BR2/4/1 25th June 2015 TO ALL CONDUCTORs AT FIRST TRANSPENNINE EXPRESS ALL INDUSTRIAL ACTION SUSPENDED! Dismissal, G. Watson, Conductor First Transpennine Express I am pleased to advise you that agreement has been reached in our dispute with First Transpennine...
Region: North East
Tagged with: tpe, transpennine express, glen watson
RMT prepares for "People's March for Glenn"
RAIL UNION RMT said today that it is making final preparations for a “People’s March for Glenn” prior to the Cleethorpes Air Show this Sunday, 28th June, as the local MP raises the gross miscarriage of justice which led to...
Region: North East
Tagged with: transpennine express, tpe, glenn watson
RMT launches "People's March for Glenn"
RAIL UNION RMT said today that it is mobilising a “People’s March for Glenn” to coincide with the Cleethorpes Air Show on Sunday 28th June and is preparing to widen the industrial mandate across Trans Pennine Express as the union...
Region: North East
Tagged with: tpe, transpennine express, glenn watson, first
RMT strike picket line - Cleethorpes
RMT Transpennine Express Picket Line - Cleethorpes Sunday 14th June 2015 - in support of an RMT Member wrongly dismissed by Transpennine Express. Credit - RMT  
Region: North East
Tagged with: transpennine express, tpe, cleethorpes
RMT Trans Pennine Express strike picket line in Sheffield
RMT Transpennine Express Picket Line starts to gather at Sheffield. - Saying no to unfair dismissal - an injury to one is an injury to all. Strike over member unfairly sacked by the company. ‎Credit. RMT Ends
Region: North East
Tagged with: tpe, transpennine express, picket line
RMT confirms strike dates on Trans Pennine Express
RMT had identified a perfectly valid vacancy that the member could have been redeployed to but despite a strenuous effort to reach a solution from the trade union side those efforts were thrown back in our faces by a management...
Region: National
Tagged with: transpennine express, tpe, industrial action, strike
RMT election protests continue across the North
Events across the Northern and TPE franchises will continue this morning at 8am at Buxton railway station as rail union RMT presses ahead with a new phase of campaigning over the threat to fares, jobs, services and safety from the...
Region: National
Tagged with: northern rail, tpe, northern, transpennine express,
RMT kicks off latest phase of Northern/TPE campaign
  RMT members and supporters kicking off the latest phase of the campaign against the great rail franchise rip-off on Northern and Trans-Pennine Express in Carlisle. ENDS
Region: North West
Tagged with: northern, tpe, transpennine express, carlisle, doo,
RMT rail protest in Edinburgh this morning
RMT press photo hand out    RMT activists with Neil Findlay MSP at Waverley this morning as part of the Action for Rail protests.    Credit. RMT
Region: RMT Scotland
Tagged with: northern rail, tpe. transpennine express,
Carlisle Citadel Station this morning with Lee Sherriff
From RMT press office   Press photo handout.   RMT Northern and Transpennine Express Franchise Campaign postcard handout - Carlisle Citadel Station this morning with Lee Sherriff Labour Parliamentary Candidate for Carlisle.   Credit. RMT
Region: North West
Tagged with: northern rail, tpe, transpennine express, action for rail
RMT rail protest in Newcastle this morning
RMT rail protest in Newcastle this morning supported by Dave Anderson MP for Blaydon.   Credit. RMT
Region: North East
Tagged with: northern rail, tpe, transpennine express, action for rail
Union Day of Action on Rail on Tuesday
In a letter to MPs and Councillors in the North the RMT union will warn that the three shortlisted bidders for the Northern Rail franchise are owned by Dutch, French and German state railways which means rail passengers in the...
Region: National
Tagged with: northern rail, tpe, transpennine express, day of action
RMT slams spin and lies over new N-TPE franchises
Mick Cash RMT general secretary said;   "These plans are being spun by Nick Clegg and the Tories in a pre-election stunt that they claim will modernise rail services in the North when in reality they will condemn passengers to...
Region: National
Tagged with: northern, transpennine express, rail north, n-tpe
RMT calls into question validity of "Rail North" membership
In a letter to local authorities, RMT General Secretary Mick Cash says: “It has been brought to my attention that in the past week a number of local authorities across the north of England have been requested to, and subsequently...
Region: National
Tagged with: rail north, northern, transpennine express, tpe,
RMT Save our Railways postcarding event Wigan Wallgate
RMT protesters over attacks on jobs and services from new Northern and TPE franchises at Wigan Wallgate this morning as part of RMT Day of Action across the North   Picture credit – RMT   ENDS  
Region: North West
Tagged with: n-tpe, northern, transpennine express, rail north
RMT gears up for day of action in the North tomorrow
The result of a poll of passengers on Northern Rail and TPE by the respected and independent polling organisation Survation, released by RMT today, has found that less than one in five passengers support government and Rail North proposals for...
Region: National
Tagged with: northern rail, tpe, transpennine express, n-tpe, rail north
Row rumbles on over Pacer's and old tube trains
The first of the D78 London Underground D-Stock train to be pulled from service has arrived at Vivarail’s Long Marston base and is undergoing conversion to diesel operation. RMT warned before Christmas that the 30 year old tube stock could be...
Region: National
Tagged with: northern, tpe, ntpe, rail north, doo
Vintage tube trains being refitted for the North's railways
The first of the D78 London Underground D-Stock train to be pulled from service has arrived at Vivarail’s Long Marston base and is undergoing conversion to diesel operation. RMT warned before Christmas that the 30 year old tube stock could be...
Region: National
Tagged with: northern, transpennine express, tpe, rail north
RMT responds to Government "new trains for the North" spin
Ministers are terrified about the fact that the new May railways timetable will come in days before the general election and today's move is a thinly disguised attempt to deflect from the truth that when that new timetable comes in,...
Region: National
Tagged with: northern, tpe, transpennine express
RMT hits the ground running in fight over N-TPE franchises
The RMT campaign is taking five key messages out to the travelling public:   *SAY NO to Driver Only Operated Trains *Keep OUR Ticket Offices Open *Keep OUR Stations Staffed and Safe *STOP CUTS to the Transpennine Express Network *OPPOSE...
Region: National
Tagged with: northern, transpennine express, tpe, rail north
Northern and TPE franchise chaos continues
The government has now been forced to confirm in writing last week’s Autumn Statement that the Invitations to Tender (ITTs) for the new Northern and TransPennine franchises will be delayed into February at the earliest but there are now growing...
Region: National
Tagged with: northern, transpennine express, tpe, rail north
Northern and TPE franchise chaos continues
Not only has the government confirmed via last week’s Autumn Statement that the Invitations to Tender (ITTs) for the new Northern and TransPennine franchises will be delayed into next year but there are now growing uncertainties at the DfT about...
Region: National
Tagged with: northern, tpe, transpennine express, rail north
RMT steps up Christmas fight for Northern/TPE services
As a result of RMT’s long running battle, the union has now heard from the Transport Department that they intend to maintain the Transpennine Express Services between Cleethorpes and Manchester Airport and that these services will be in the Transpennine...
Region: National
Tagged with: northern, transpennine express, tpe, rail north
RMT launches "12 Days of Christmas" events
The schedule of events is set out as follows, with RMT promising lively demonstrations and post-card distribution as part of the union’s on-going campaign against the threat to jobs, services and safety bound up in the Government and Rail North’s...
Region: National
Tagged with: northern, transpennine express, tpe, rail north, 12 days of christmas
Rail minister pulls out of York event as RMT protest goes on
Rail minister Claire Perry has pulled out of an event at the national rail museum in York this afternoon but transport union RMT says that it's protest over the threat to jobs, services and safety from the new Northern and...
Region: National
Tagged with: northern, ntpe, rail north, transpennine express, tpe, claire perry
Northern Rail plays Yes Minister
RMT general secretary Mick Cash said that there was clearly a two-tier service which meant that fare-paying passengers suffered cancellations while ministers were treated to staff being driven across the country to ensure services were maintained.   “This shows that...
Region: National
Tagged with: northern rail, transpennine express, tpe, rail north
RMT to lobby Minister and rail boss tomorrow over N-TPE
The event at the National Rail Museum is scheduled to start at 6pm tomorrow Wednesday (19th November) with RMT promising a lively demonstration outside, assembling from 5.30pm, as part of the union’s on-going campaign against the threat to jobs, services...
Region: National
Tagged with: northern, transpennine express, tpe, rail north, claire perry
RMT to lobby Minister and rail boss over Northern rail cuts
The event at the National Rail Museum is scheduled to start at 6pm next Wednesday (19th November) with RMT promising a lively demonstration outside, assembling from 5.30pm, as part of the union’s on-going campaign against the threat to jobs, services...
Region: National
Tagged with: northern, transpennine express, tpe, rail north,
RMT steps up the fight against rail cuts on Northern and TPE
Last month RMT launched a new post card campaign pointing out to passengers that the shock abolition of a wide range of off-peak fares is a taste of what’s to come under the new Northern and Trans-Pennine Express franchises. The...
Region: National
Tagged with: northern, tpe, transpennine express, rail north
RMT on Northern HS3 Proposal
"RMT will not tolerate this rank hypocrisy and instead of jam tomorrow, light years off in the future, we are demanding an expansion of services and capacity now , rather than the proposed cuts, and that is the message we will...
Region: National
Tagged with: hs3, rail north, northern, tpe, transpennine express
Over 50 MP’s sign motion against rail cuts
The union is continuing to hold a series of events across the area served by Northern and TPE aimed at persuading more MP’s to sign up to the EDM as the campaign of opposition gathers pace.   Last month RMT...
Region: National
Tagged with: northern, transpennine express, rail north, tpe
Further RMT action this week in Northern - TPE campaign
Last month RMT launched a new post card campaign pointing out to passengers that the shock abolition of a wide range of off-peak fares is a taste of what’s to come under the new Northern and Trans-Pennine Express franchises. The...
Region: National
Tagged with: northern, transpennine express, rail north, tpe
RMT steps up Northern & TransPennine Express campaign
RMT’s campaign against the plans has activated a much broader and wider consultation on the damaging proposals than the Government’s and the shadowy “Rail North” with major campaigning events already held at Manchester (Piccadilly), Preston, York, Leeds, Cleethorpes, Liverpool Lime...
Region: National
Tagged with: northern, transpennine express, tpe, department of transport