- 18 Items Tagged Within News
RMT members vote to accept pay deals
This means the national rail dispute is now concluded.
This outcome reflects the collective efforts of our membership in defending their jobs, working conditions, pay, and pensions from the attacks of the previous Tory government and their private contractors.
Region: National
Tagged with: RMT, Mick Lynch, Rail, Train Operating Companies, Network Rail
Rail companies raking in profit and stripping the railways of money
Train company bosses take little risk with their capital but have benefited from profits before tax, of 126% of the capital invested by rail operators.
65% of profits are locked away in shareholder dividends instead of being redistributed into improving the...
Region: National
Tagged with: RMT, Mick Lynch, Train Operating Companies, Rail Privatisation
RMT update on train operating companies dispute
The RMT NEC has decided that the scheduled action will remain in place but that the union will be available for discussions and will attend any meetings on creating a resolution to the dispute through an improved offer.
The union...
Region: National
Tagged with: Train Operating Companies Dispute
RMT calls 24 hours strike action in national rail dispute
Railway workers will once again take strike action over job security, pay and working conditions on Wednesday July 27.
The 24-hour stoppage comes after Network Rail made an offer of 4pc in the first year followed by a possible 4pc in...
Region: National
Tagged with: Defend Rail Jobs Pay and Conditions, National Rail Dispute, Rail Strike, Network Rail, Train Operating Companies, RMT,
RMT Statement
In the past few weeks, discussions have been taking place at senior level with Network Rail, Train Operators and London Underground.
Despite the best efforts of our negotiators no viable settlements to the disputes have been created.
It has to...
Region: National
Tagged with: Defend Rail Jobs Pay and Conditions, National Rail Dispute, Network Rail, Strike, Train Operating Companies
RMT launch strike ballot over pay freeze & job losses
Over 40,000 railway workers on Network Rail and 15 train operating companies (TOCs) will be balloted for strike action in what RMT has called “potentially the biggest rail strike in modern history.”
Network Rail intends to cut at least 2,500 safety critical maintenance...
Region: National
Tagged with: Defend Rail Jobs, Pay and Conditions, Network Rail, Train Operating Companies, Strike, Ballot
RMT to fight rail industry job cuts
MAIN RAIL UNION RMT said today that it is to fight a wholesale jobs cull across the industry that kicks off for some Network Rail managerial grades today with others set to follow. RMT's executive has committed to a campaign...
Region: National
Tagged with: Network Rail, Job Cuts, Rail Industry, Voluntary Severance Scheme, Covid-19, Train Operating Companies
RMT to fight jobs cull across the rail industry
MAIN RAIL UNION RMT said today that it is to fight a wholesale jobs cull across the industry that is expected to kick off next week. RMT's executive has committed to a campaign of opposition to proposals that it says...
Region: National
Tagged with: Network Rail, Train Operating Companies, Voluntary Severance Scheme, Rail Workers
RMT research reveals COVID corporate cash grab scandal
As the Government increases passenger rail fares by 2.6% today, new research by RMT reveals that the private train operating and rolling stock companies’ profits from last year stand to be equivalent to 15 pence of every pound passengers paid on fares...
Region: National
Tagged with: Covid-19, TOC's, Train Operating Companies, ROSCO's, Rolling Stock Companies, EMA, Emergency Measures Agreement, ERMA, Emergency Recovery Measures Agreement, DfT, Privatisation, Tory Government
RMT demands suspension of on-train ticketing duties
RAIL UNION RMT is today demanding that the Government immediately suspends on-train revenue protection and ticket inspection across all Train Operating Companies, after a survey of RMT on-board staff indicates that 7 out of 17 Train Operating Companies (TOCs) operating through national...
Region: National
Tagged with: Covid-19, Train Operating Companies, TOCs, On-Train Ticketing, Rail
RMT on politically motivated attacks on TfL
TRANSPORT UNION RMT has revealed today that Londoners face a bleak future in which the capital’s transport network will be starved of money if the government gets its way. The union’s research exposes the double standards at the heart of...
Region: South East and Anglia
Tagged with: Transport for London, TfL, Train Operating Companies, TOCs, Funding, Tory Government
Ministers confirm £3.5 billion rail bail out
RAIL UNION RMT said that despite parliamentary answers confirming today that Train Operating Companies are to be bailed out by the Government to the tune of £3.5 Billion it is still totally unclear whether new contracts will be agreed by...
Region: National
Tagged with: Train Operating Companies, TOCS, Rail Privatisation, Tory Government,
RMT responds to Chris Grayling attack on rail workers pay
RMT General Secretary Mick Cash said;
"If Chris Grayling seriously thinks that front line rail workers are going to pay the price for his gross incompetence and the greed of the private train companies he's got another thing coming.
Region: National
Tagged with: chris grayling, tory government, rail privatisation, train operating companies
RMT responds to RSSB 2018-19 Business Plan
RMT General Secretary, Mick Cash, said: “Once again the RSSB peddle the myth of their role as an independent safety organisation.
“The RSSB is financed by their members and associates from Network Rail, the train operating companies and the freight...
Region: National
Tagged with: rssb, rail safety and standards board, train operating companies, network rail, rail privatisation, orr
Rail passengers lose fifty four million hours per year
Rail passengers suffer equivalent of fifty four million hours in wasted time a year due to train company and infrastructure failures New research by rail union RMT has found that approximately fifty four million hours, the equivalent to 6154 years, of...
Region: National
Tagged with: orr, office of rail and road, tocs, train operating companies, network rail
Staff cuts set to wreck rail access disability target
A devastating report from 2015 commissioned by the Association of Train Operating Companies - now the Rail Delivery Group - considers how accessible Britain’s railway network will be to older and disabled people by 1st January 2020, the date by which all rolling stock...
Region: National
Tagged with: rail access, association of train operating companies, atoc, rail delivery group, disabled access,
1.7 million tweets complaining about rail companies
General Secretary Mick Cash said; "These extraordinary figures, which show massive volumes of tweeted complaints over delays, cancellations and overcrowding, show that the travelling public are sick to the back teeth of being robbed blind by the private train companies....
Region: National
Tagged with: train operating companies, tweets, complaints, public ownership
RMT calls for sacking of failing rail companies
"The scandal is compounded by the fact that these same train companies are planning to axe guards and other staff in the drive for even fatter profits. There's no point just moaning about the great private rail rip off. It...
Region: National