Orgreave Truth & Justice Campaign (OTJC) Appeal for TUC Donation

Tuesday 6th July 2015

Head Office Circular No. NP/121/15

To the Secretary all Branches,
Council of Executive members,
Regional Councils and Regional Offices.

Dear Colleagues,

Orgreave Truth & Justice Campaign (OTJC) Appeal for TUC Donation
The OTJC will be holding an information stall at the TUC in Brighton to meet with delegates and promote the campaign for an independent public enquiry into the policing at Orgreave Coke works during the 1984-85 Miners’ Strike. The campaign focuses particularly on events of 18th June 1984, when 95 miners were arrested and later charged with riot or unlawful assembly.

All of us in the RMT are more than aware of the bitter legacy of the 1984-85 strike, and the fact that many of those involved have yet to achieve closure because the truth has never been told and the injustice has never been acknowledged. That is why we support them in their efforts to keep people informed about the issues and activities.

The Campaign needs financial support towards the costs of a stall and transporting members down to Brighton to staff it and pay for accommodation in order to get a significant and important profile at the TUC.

Any financial assistance Branches or Regions can provide would be greatly appreciated and will help them considerably in continuing to campaign effectively for truth and justice.

Cheques should be made payable to ‘Orgreave Truth & Justice Campaign’ and sent to: Orgreave Truth & Justice Campaign, c/o 151 Cobnar Road, Sheffield S8 8QE
I hope you can please support this important campaign and do not hesitate to contact me if you need any more information.

Yours sincerely,
Mick Cash
General Secretary