Circular No: NP/127/17
Our ref: S1/1/17
2nd August 2017
Dear Colleagues
SOS 2020 events 2nd September 2017 – South Shields and Portsmouth
Further to circular no. NP/121/17 of 27th July 2017, two simultaneous SOS 2020 campaign events are being held on Saturday 2nd September in South Shields and Portsmouth, to highlight the urgent need for more training and jobs for UK seafarers to coincide with national Merchant Navy Day.
The event in South Shields will take place on 2nd September from 10.30am at South Shields High Street NE33 1BT, under the Metro bridge. Members, activists and officials will be protesting to raise public awareness of exploitation in the shipping industry, particularly on offshore supply vessels where basic pay can be as low as £2.58 per hour.
The event in Portsmouth will take place on 2nd September from 8am at Portsmouth International Port, George Byng Way, Portsmouth PO2 8SP. This will be followed by a further demonstration and leafletting from 11am, at Guildhall Square, Portsmouth PO21 2AB. Members, activists and officials will be protesting against sub-minimum wage pay rates at companies like Condor Ferries where seafarers are paid a basic wage under £3 per hour.
I urge officials, members and activists, particularly in maritime regions 2 (Central) and 1 (South) to attend these events to re-affirm our commitment to ending poverty pay in the UK shipping industry and recovering rates of training and employment for domestic seafarers, especially Ratings, to the benefit of our national economic, social and strategic interests.
The cost of attendance is a legitimate use of branch expenditure. Your continued engagement and support for all SOS 2020 campaigning activity, in England and across the UK is essential and appreciated.
I would be grateful if you could bring the contents of this circular to the attention of members in your branch and you will be kept updated with further developments.
Yours sincerely
Mick Cash
General Secretary