Our ref: HSR/2/23
Head Office Circular: NP/236/22
27th October 2022
To: The Secretary
Dear Colleague,
I write in connection with the annual Health and Safety Advisory Conference. There are several changes to RMT’s annual Health and Safety Conference this year that I hope will improve the conference and the learning and networking opportunities it provides for RMT safety reps.
These changes include: location (so that the Conference and Conference training can be provided on one site, while still being spacious), training arrangements, inclusion of a variety of different health and safety stalls, possibly an early evening drinks reception and an opportunity to nominate for the RMT Safety Rep of the Year award.
Given the above I hope that your branch safety reps will want to attend the Conference, the details of which are as below:
National Health and Safety Conference this year will be held in the Park Inn by Radisson, York City Centre, North Street, York YO1 6JF on Wednesday 22nd February 2023. The hotel is close (less than ten minutes’ walk) to York Railway Station. In line with previous practice a training course will be provided to all delegates. In the past this has made it easier for delegates to obtain release with pay from their employers.
Conference theme
As in previous years the 2022 Health and Safety Conference will have a theme; this year’s theme is fatigue, something which impacts a great number of our members, many of whom work shifts. Fatigue is an increasing problem as employers cut jobs, leaving remaining staff more to do combined with changed ways of working that impact their fatigue levels.
Conference will also look at the role of the ORR (the Rail and Road Regulator), particularly in light of RMT disputes over the last year and ORR’s enforcement role in respect to this action.
As part of the conference programme all delegates will be allocated a place on the RMT’s training course which will be offered the afternoon before Conference, Tuesday 21st February 2023. The training course will be at the same location of the Conference, the Park Inn by Radisson Hotel.
Things are still in the early stages of planning conference training, but we hope to have several different training subjects, including risk assessment, working in extreme weather, Safety Representative and Safety Committees/ “Brown Book” and Health and Safety at Work Act introduction/refresher, clean air at work, stress, and ORR Risk Management Maturity Model (RM3).
Upon registration delegates will be asked to indicate their preferred training option. Training places will be allocated on a first come first served basis, and we will do our best to meet delegates’ preferred training option. However, to avoid overcrowding, it may be necessary to allocate to another training option.
The Park Inn by Radisson can accommodate a maximum of 60. Delegates are encouraged to book accommodation at the earliest opportunity here.
The hotel offers a discounted event bed & breakfast rate (please mention that you are attending the RMT Conference when booking). We have also arranged an overspill hotel for accommodation, which is the Doubletree by Hilton York.
Nominations to attend Conference
Branches and Regional Councils are invited to nominate General or Shipping Grades members to attend conference who are, where possible, accredited Health and Safety Representatives. A nomination form is attached and may be photocopied, if necessary. Additional forms are also available from Head Office on request. Completed nomination forms should be returned by email to Head Office m.santamera@rmt.org.uk) by the closing date of Friday 9th December 2022. Please ensure that your email address is appended to your form.
There is no limit on the number of delegates any one Branch may nominate. Branches are advised that it is appropriate that, where necessary, delegates’ expenses can be funded from the Branch Management Fund or by Regional Council as appropriate. In line with AGM item No. 64, 2005, delegates should attempt to secure paid release from their employer. In cases where paid release is not secured, and branches have insufficient funds, they can apply to Head Office for a £35 delegate fee for up to six delegates. Delegates must be nominated by the branch to receive this rate.
In terms of timings, the provisional timetable is for arrival from 13.00 for the training on the Tuesday (lunch provided), with training to follow between 14.00 and 17.00. The following day’s Conference is scheduled to take place between 09.30 and 16.30. Delegates are kindly requested to ensure that their return transport allows for them to attend until the close of Conference.
Branches and Regional Councils are also invited to submit suitable resolutions, relevant to health and safety within the transport industry as a whole. To improve Conference organisation and efficiency and to ensure the final agenda is delivered to delegates earlier than in previous years, resolutions must be submitted to Head Office m.santamera@rmt.org.uk) by the closing date of Friday 9th December 2022.
The agenda and final conference arrangements will be sent to Branches and delegates early in the New Year 2023.
Nominations for RMT Safety Rep of the year award
Health and Safety Advisory Conference 2020 agreed that there should be an RMT Safety Rep of the year award. Due to the pandemic, there has been a delay in progressing with this, but the 2023 conference if the first time the award will be made. Branches should complete the Safety Rep of the Year award if they want to nominate and return this no later than 31st December 2022.
Please bring the contents of this circular to the attention of relevant members.
Yours sincerely
Michael Lynch
General Secretary